Here's a basic muffin recipe (based on a Joy of Cooking recipe) that you can change seasonally...
1 cup buttermilk (or other dairy - see variations)
2 eggs
2/3 cup rapadura or evaporated cane sugar
3 oz melted butter or oil
1 teaspoon vanilla extract (we make our own)
1 cup whole wheat pastry flour
1 cup unbleached flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon sea salt
1¾ cup fruit (we like to go pretty heavy on the fruit - fresh, frozen, or dried fruit of your choice
zest of 2 lemons (or lime, Buddha hand, orange, tangerine...), optional
2 teaspoons chia seed, optional
1 rounded tablespoon wheat germ, optional
1 rounded tablespoon ground flax seed, optional
sugar in the raw, optional
sugar in the raw, optional
Makes 18 standard-sized muffins.
- Instead of buttermilk, use yogurt or sour cream (or use milk or cream and eliminate the baking soda)
- Try fresh shredded zucchini, carrot, or winter squash such as pumpkin; fresh chopped apple or persimmon; dried fruit, such as coconut, cherries, figs; or frozen berries.
- Decrease butter or oil to 1/4 cup and add 1/4 cup of apple sauce or pumpkin puree
- Add a handful or 2 of chopped nuts (almonds, Chandler or red walnuts from Terra Bella Farm, pecans, macadamia - they grow locally)
- Add a teaspoon or so of your favorite spice with the dry ingredients (cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg...)
- Substitute some of another grain, such as cornmeal
- Add a handful of oats, hemp seed, chia seed, ground flax seed, and/or toasted wheat bran with the dry ingredients
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