Sunday, July 15, 2018

Elderflower cordial

There are lots of flowering umbels on my native elderberry bush and my lemon tree is bearing lots of fruit so it's the perfect time to make cordial/syrup. [Update: I've found I can rub the flowers off the umbels into my measuring cup so I don't need to cut the elder or snip each tiny flower from the umbel.]:

3 cups spring water
3 cups evaporated cane sugar
3/4 teaspoon citric acid (I found mine in the bulk section of the natural foods store, you could omit it if you will use up the syrup in the next few days)
2 cups fresh elderflowers, destemmed, remove any bugs or debris
juice and zest of 2 small lemons

Heat water, sugar, and citric acid, stirring, until just dissolved. Remove from heat and allow to cool.

In a quart jar, place flowers. juice and zest. Fill jar with syrup and let steep in fridge for 3 days, giving it a gentle shake to stir once a day, then strain out the flowers and zest.

Keep refrigerated. This can also be canned to be shelf stable for up to a year.

Serve with sparkling water over ice or to sweeten iced tea or lemonade.