The local Foodshed had an amazing sale on strawberries. The recent heat wave caused the strawberry fields to smell like jam, which is heavenly but means it's the last of the strawberries. So it's time to jam.
I wanted to add an additional flavor; looking at what was available in my yard, I thought roses would go beautifully with strawberries. I picked a bunch of 'purple splash' rose petals and a Meyer lemon from the garden. I use Pomona universal pectin, mostly because that's what's available at the co-op, but also because it allows me to use less sugar than some recipes.
flower rainbow for pride month; that's a 'purple splash' rose on the upper left corner. |
1.25-1.5 cups evaporate can sugar, organic, fair trade
3 teaspoons pectin
5 cups strawberries (1.5-2 pounds), sliced thick
2 tablespoons lemon juice
3 teaspoons calcium water (from the pectin packet)
2 cups rose petals, tightly packed
Place a small plate in the freezer. If canning, prep all your tools and equipment, and start boiling water for processing. Make the calcium water.
In a small bowl, add sugar. Sprinkle with pectin and stir well. Send aside.
Put a large cast iron enameled pot on high heat. Add the sliced strawberries. lemon juice, and calcium water. Bring to a boil, stirring. Sprinkle in the sugar mix and stir vigorously to dissolve sugar while bringing it back to a boil. Stir in the rose petals and boil for 5 minutes. Test to see if the jam is set by putting a teaspoonful of liquid jam onto the frozen plate. Allow plate to cool for 2 minutes in the fridge. If the jam gels, it's ready. If not, test every 2 minutes. When it's done, remove from heat and let sit for 10 minutes.
If canning, fill jars leaving a half-inch head space and process in a
boiling water bath for 10 minutes.
Makes about 4.5 cups. I made three batches, which made 13 cup jars—the perfect fit in my canning pot.